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Band and Orchestra


Taylor Elementary Orchestra offers free orchestra lessons all year long for fourth and fifth graders. The instruments offered are Violin, Viola, Cello, and Double Bass. These lessons meet as a group for an entire week, every three weeks, working on the fundamentals of music and string playing. The students also work on songs that are showcased twice a year at a winter as well a spring concert. The main goal of this course is for the student to not only have fun, but to develop the skills needed to join a music program in the middle school and be successful.
Taylor Elementary offers an amazing band program.  Students have the opportunity to choose an instrument that best fits their playing ability, with the help of the band instructor.  Band classes meet for an entire week, every three weeks, with a 50 minute class.  Band students will perform 2 concerts per year and will have the opportunity to perform at a solo and ensemble festival.